Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Pertemuan 6

Marketing Information SystemsIntroduction
Marketing was the first functional area to exhibit an interest in MIS
The marketing information system has three subsystems; the accounting information system (AIS), marketing research, and marketing intelligence
Functional information systems: the conceptual systems should be "mirror images" of the physical systems

Marketing Principles
  • Marketing mix
  • Product
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • Price
The Marketing Information System (MKIS)
Kotler's marketing nerve center
3 information flows
  • Internal
    • Gathered in firm
  • Intelligence
    • From environment
  • Communications
    • To environment
Marketing Information System (MKIS) Definition
    A computer-based system that works in conjunction with other functional information  systems to support the firm's management in solving problems that relate to marketing the firm's products.
An MKIS Model
1. Output
  • Product
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • Price
  • Integrated mix
2. Database
3. Input

  • *AIS
  • *Marketing research
  • *Marketing intelligence
*AIS (Accounting Information System)
  1. Sales order data is input.
  2. AIS provides data for
  • Periodic reports
  • Special reports
  • Mathematical models and knowledge-based models
*Marketing Research Subsystem1. Managers use marketing research to gather  information :
  • Gathered from customers and prospects
  • Purchased or procured from other organizations
2. Processed using marketing research subsystem
3. Primary and Secondary Data
4. Used by marketing research subsystem
5. Primary data are collected by the firm, Examples of primary data is:
  • Survey
  • In-depth interview
  • Observation
  • Controlled experiment
  • Primary and Secondary
Secondary data is:
  • Mailing lists
  • Retail sales statistics
  • Video retrieval systems
  • Some secondary must be bought and some is free
Marketing Research Software
  • Graphics packages (print maps)
  • Makes market research a reality for all firms
  • Statistical analysis
  • Expertise to interpret software outputs is the key to successful use of these tools
*Marketing Intelligence Subsystem
  • Ethical activities aimed at gathering information about competitors
  • Not to be confused with industrial espionage
  • Each functional information system has an intelligence responsibility
1. Sebut dan jelaskan bagian dari Marketing Information System?
2. Jelaskan prinsip-prinsip marketing?
3. jelaskan satu saja sebuah software yang digunakan untuk melakukan analiasa atau riset pasar?

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Pertemuan 5

Decision Support Systems
Sistem Penunjang Keputusan

Simon’s Types of Decisions
Programmed decisions
repetitive and routine
have a definite procedure

Nonprogrammed decisions
Novel and unstructured
No cut-and-dried method for handling problem

Simon’s Problem Solving Phases
Searching environment for conditions calling for a solution
Inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses of action
Selecting a course of action from those available
Assessing past choices

Definitions of a Decision Support System (DSS)
General definition - a system providing both problem-solving and communications capabilities for semistructured problems
Specific definition - a system that supports a single manager or a relatively small group of managers working as a problem-solving team in the solution of a semistructured problem by providing information or making suggestions concerning specific decisions.

The DSS Concept
Gorry and Scott Morton coined the phrase ‘DSS’ in 1971, about ten years after MIS became popular
Decision types in terms of problem structure
Structured problems can be solved with algorithms and decision rules
Unstructured problems have no structure in Simon’s phases
Semistructured problems have structured and unstructured phases

Three DSS Objectives
1. Assist in solving semistructured problems
2. Support, not replace, the manager
3. Contribute to decision effectiveness, rather than efficiency

1. Jelaskan definsi DSS secara umum dan khusus
2. Jelaskan tujuan dari DSS
3. Berikan contoh dari masalah terstruktur, semi terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur?

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Pertemuan 4

Berikut merupakan beberapa bentuk Sistem Informasi 
  1. • Sistem Informasi Manajemen (ManagementInformation System)
  2. • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (Decision SupportSystem)
  3. • Sistem Informasi Eksekutif (Executive InformationSystem)
  4. • Sistem Otomasi Perkantoran (Office Automation)
  5. • Sistem Pendukung Pakar (Expert Support System)
  6. • Sistem Proses Transaksi (Transaction ProcessingSystem)
Berikan definsi dari beberapa bentuk Sistem Informasi tersebut kemudian berikan masing -masing contoh dan penjelasan penggunaannya pada sebuah perusahaan (perusahaan haruslah nyata bukan perusahaan fiktif)
Gambar diatas menjelaskan tentang Value Chain menurut Porter, Tugas anda adalah berikkan penjelasan tentang gambar tersebut baik dari primar activities maupun secondary acrivities.
Kemudian buat analisa Value Chain untuk AMIK ASM LAKSI 31 dengan menjelaskan primary dan secondary activities nya.